All products and services offered through HGACBuy have been subjected to a competitive bid or proposal process, subsequently resulting in the award of a blanket contract(s). Becoming an HGACBuy Contractor requires that you go through that process with us when we do a solicitation for the products and/or services which you offer.
Most of our contracts run for a term of two years, dictating that the solicitation process for a product/service is undertaken on that same schedule, i.e. every two years.
The products and services currently offered though HGACBuy can be found on our Products and Services page.
Products and Services not offered currently maybe considered for addition at H-GAC's sole determination
HGACBuy is a growing nationwide Program with Members in most states. We intend that our contracted products and services be available to all of them, no matter where located. Therefore, we want to establish contracts directly with manufacturers, nationwide distributors, and other providers at a corporate level. This does not preclude the handling of HGACBuy business thru local dealers. Regardless of the marketing structure, we want the involvement and commitment of the senior levels of management in any organization wishing to be a part of HGACBuy, and we want such organizations to have a nationwide footprint.
If you meet the above criteria and would like to participate in our Program's solicitation process to possibly become an HGACBuy Contractor, check the Bid Notices page periodically for a bid invitation or RFP that encompasses products or services which you can supply. Download the documents when they are posted and follow the instructions therein.
If you supply products or services that are not covered in a current category, please send an email to [email protected] expressing your interest. Your email should include:
NOTE: Providing information does not make you an HGACBuy Contractor. You must first participate in a formal solicitation process, and then, if your response is successful, execute specific formal contract.
We frequently update our News & Events page to reflect upcoming Bid/RFP notices, Conferences and Orientation schedule
HGACBuy is a nationwide cooperative procurement service. You can view our complete list of Members by clicking on the link below.
The orientation will discuss:
The orientation will discuss: